The relaxed mood is set by the warm lighting, soft music, and the aroma of burning tobacco and flavored shishas. The bar is furnished with comfortable seating arrangements, which include plush sofas, comfy armchairs, and low tables.

The shishas are prepared by expert hookahits who blend the tobacco with several flavors, such as fruit, mint, or spiced herbs. Once the shisha is prepared, the expert lights up the tobacco, and the smoke from the shisha fills up the room, creating a hazy, dream-like atmosphere. The bar also offers a selection of beverages, including tea, juice, and coffee, to sip while enjoying the shisha.

The hookah bar in Trieste is not just a place for smoking shishas, but it's also a socializing spot where people can meet and chat with friends or make new ones. The bar is open to all patrons, regardless of age or gender, and the staff is friendly and welcoming.